
My research interests are quite interdisciplinary. Hence, I tend to work with students with a strong mathematical/control background who are interested in interdisciplinary work. The successful Ph.D. applicant will be awarded a competitive scholarship covering both tuition and living expenses.

Ideal Candidates should satisfy the following criteria: 

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with major/specialization in electrical, mechanical, mechatronics, controls, or any other relevant engineering/science discipline [Master’s degree is preferred]
  • Strong background in linear systems, controls, applied mathematics
  • Strong MATLAB programming experience

If interested, please send an e-mail to me with subject of “Ph.D. applicant” and put specifically which research area you are interested in. Attach a copy of your CV+ transcript + relative projects that you have worked on.

Visiting Student

Research projects for motivated MS/ Ph.D. students are available during their visitation from University of Florida. If interested, please send an e-mail to me with subject of “Visiting student applicant” and put specifically your primary research area. Attach a copy of your CV+ transcript + relative projects that you have worked on.